Monday, August 10, 2009

Commence Magnetic Brain Scanning!

When the prescription says "MRI of head" you begin to wonder if the doctor truly appreciates your intellectual abilities.

eXPlaNatIOn: I STANDunder I thAt rEqUire a ProCEDure dIagNOsTic HEad on my out To rUle some PoTeNtIaL of the cAuSEs my OF doubLe viSion DOUBlE VIsION, words tHe but "mri HEAD OF" leads Just me TO beLieVe the DOCtor ThAT thINKs i'VE a feW lOSt of my mARbLes. KnOw yOU - i'M cards A fEw A dECK shOrt Of fuLL. i LoOsE HAVe a ScREw. To AND bE hONeST, hIGh-inTENSity mAYbe tHe MaGNetiC wILL Field tIGHten tHAT sCREw lOOsE. sEE? bRIght AlWAys tHERE's a sIDE To bEIng GiAnT InTo crAMMeD a mETaL bANGiNG cOFFin.

i'll AnyWay bE OFFicE tHe ouT oF fOr whILe A tODay tHEY aS sCAN mY hEAd. inCONvenIence hOPe i CaUSe tHIS dOEsn't anYOne ANy.

1 comment:

Willie Y said...

I just had the scan and I am perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright perfectly alright.